Author: admin

  • Support the Cuban people? Then fight the blockade

    CUBA solidarity activists outnumbered supporters of the US-backed global day of anti-socialist protests many times over outside the country’s London embassy today. As Cuba Solidarity Campaign director Rob Miller pointed out, this reflects the situation internationally and in Cuba itself, where protests over shortages in July were rapidly exploited by the US-orchestrated “Cuba SOS” campaign…

  • Activists rally to defend Cuban embassy

    SCORES of solidarity activists rallied to defend the Cuban embassy in London today as rightwingers staged an anti-socialist protest. US-backed counter-revolutionaries called protests around the world for today and tomorrow, and a handful turned up at the embassy, at one point trying to rush it. But their way was barred by the larger solidarity demo.…

  • Latin America: The Road Ahead

    Francisco Dominguez on why all internationalists should come to Latin America 2021 on 4 December “The peoples of the Americas are rising again, saying no to imperialism, saying no to fascism, saying no to intervention – and saying no to death.”Hugo Chávez The ‘credit crunch’ crisis of 2008 furnished the United States and its European…

  • British donors help Cuba’s COVID-19 vaccination programme

    Recent photographs received from Cuba show how some of the £95,000 raised by supporters of CSC’s COVID-19 Medical Appeal is helping Cuba treat and vaccinate its people during the pandemic. The images are of health workers at a policlinic in Camagüey taking samples using crytotubes purchased with funds from the appeal. Cryotubes are small and…

  • British government’s position against the US blockade is clear says Foreign Office minister

    Wendy Morton, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office replied to a parliamentary question on the US blockade of Cuba this week. Zarah Sultana, British MP for Coventry South, put a written question to the Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, asking what recent steps he had “taken to encourage the US Administration to…

  • WATCH-Solidarity with Cuba:resisting 60 years of blockade & intervention (TUC Congress Rally)

    If you missed the TUC Congress Solidarity Rally on Monday 13 September, you can watch it here. Featuring: Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, General Secretary, Cuban Workers Central (CTC) Her Excellency Barbara Montalvo,Cuban Ambassador, Niurka Gonzalez Obera, General Secretary, Cuban Education Union (SNTECD) Santiago Badia Gonzalez, General Secretary, Cuban Health Workers Union (SNTS) Navendu Mishra, Labour…

  • End the Criminal Blockade of Cuba – Bernard Regan, Cuba Solidarity Campaign

    Bernard Regan, Cuba Solidarity Campaign Secretary, called for support for the Cuban people against the US blockade. He was speaking at a recent solidarity event – “Latin America’s Struggle: Opposing US intervention, Neoliberalism & the Far-Right.” Read his contribution in full below. Cuba has been the victim of a blockade by the United States of…

  • Manchester CSC members out in the street to support Cuba last weekend

    Manchester CSC members ran a street stall in support of Cuba last weekend. For details of August’s International Caravan Against the Blockade events in Britain please click here. If your CSC group is running any events and want us to publicise them please send details to

  • Event: Latin America's Struggle: Opposing US Intervention, Neoliberalism & the Far-Right

    Latin America’s Struggle: Opposing US Intervention, Neoliberalism & the Far-Right, with guests from across the region. Wednesday, 18 August 2021, 6:30pm(UK Time) An in depth look at the some of the most important struggles in the region, from Peru’s electoral victory to ending the blockage on Cuba PLUS MORE With… Claudia Webbe MP Guillaume Long,…

  • What's going on in Cuba – alternative media archive

    What the main stream media won’t tell you about recent US intervention in Cuba. We’ve compliled an archive of videos, podcasts and writing on what’s happening in Cuba: the reasons behind the protests on 11 July and planned protests in November, US government funding and involvement, press and social media manipulation, and more. Please share…