Author: admin

  • 60th anniversary messages flood in from across the globe

    Almost 1,000 people in less than a week have added their 60th anniversary messages to congratulate the Cuban people on their achievements after 60 years of their Revolution. Hundreds of friends from across the globe, including parliamentarians and trade union leaders have sent messages of solidarity. To add yours go to Trade union leaders…

  • Latin America at the crossroads

    Cuba Solidarity Campaign director ROB MILLER looks ahead to this year’s Latin America Conference at Congress House At the end of October, new White House national security adviser John Bolton made a keynote speech setting out the panorama of US policy thinking towards Cuba and Latin America. The speech was an extraordinary attack on progressive…

  • US government steps up its culture war against Cuba

    At a time when Cuban artists have a growing presence on the world stage, the United States has stepped up its culture war against Cuba, claiming that the government stifles the creativity of the island’s artists and their freedom of expression. Cuba’s artistic successes and the emergence of world class artists belie that claim. However,…

  • Urgent Action: Stop US attempts to sabotage the UN blockade vote

    Please ensure that the British government maintains it vote against the US blockade of Cuba at the United Nations on Wednesday. Write to the Foreign Office now The US government is attempting to sabotage the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) vote on the blockade of Cuba, due to take place this Wednesday 31 October 2018.…

  • The US blockade is the main obstacle to Cuba's development

    On 31 October, the United Nations General Assembly will vote on Cuba’s annual resolution calling for an end to the US blockade. Resolution 72/4, ‘Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba’, has been presented annually to the UN body since 1992. In 2017, 191…

  • Beat the blockade by supporting the Braille machines for Cuba appeal

    On 31 October, the United Nations General Assembly will vote on Cuba’s annual resolution calling for an end to the US blockade. In advance of the vote, Cuba sent a report summarising the impact of the inhumane US policy against the island during the last year, including its impact on special needs schools. The report,…

  • Standing room only at CSC Labour Party Conference fringe meeting

    Huge display of solidarity with Cuba at the 2018 Labour Party Conference Over 150 delegates and guests attended a packed standing-room only Labour Party Conference Cuba Solidarity Campaign fringe meeting in Liverpool. The meeting, entitled Trump: Hands Off Cuba and Venezuela! No to blockade and sanctions! was chaired by Karen Lee MP, Chair of the…

  • US blockade has cost Cuba over $933 billion

    Cuba has sent its annual report to the United Nations General Assembly in advance of their resolution to end the US blockade of Cuba for the 27th consecutive year. The report states that the total cost of the US blockade is now over £933 billion dollars.* In the 12 month period of the report (April…

  • Beating the blockade of Cuba – with ballet shoes

    The CWU has taken its first foray into the elite world of classical dance – and is currently storing 1,200 pairs of ballet shoes that will be delivered to Cuba next year as part of a joint-union initiative to beat the vicious American blockade of the socialist Caribbean republic. Next spring the consignment – donated…

  • Standing room only at the Unison NDC Cuba fringe

    “The Cuban revolution has always been about internationalism and solidarity”, Miami Five hero tells Unison delegates During his short visit to the UK, Miami Five hero, Fernando González, attended Unison’s National Delegates’ Conference in Brighton. Here he addressed the union’s Internally Rally on the eve of conference, alongside its general secretary, Dave Prentis, and other…