Author: admin

  • Cuban schools encourage the working class

    NEU delegate ARETHA GREEN notices that through art, literature, and the socialist ideology present in communal learning techniques, all Cuban children are empowered During our six-day National Education Union delegation to Cuba, my overwhelming impression was of the agency and meaningful involvement of students in their own education. This was consistently evident, and obviously at…

  • CSC message to the Cuban people on the Tornado which struck Cuba 27th January

    On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, and on behalf of all our members and affiliated organisations, we would like to express our sincerest condolences to the Cuban people following the terrible effects of the deadly tornado that struck the island including Havana on Sunday 27th 2019. We would like to…

  • UK government highlights ban on British companies complying with United States’ blockade of Cuba

    The UK government makes clear it is illegal for British companies to comply with the US blockade of Cuba Sir Alan Duncan MP, Minister of State for Europe and the Americas, has again made clear the British Government’s opposition to United States extraterritorial blockade policies against Cuba. In a welcome development, his statement to Parliament…

  • Trying to sue socialism: Trump ratchets up the pressure on Cuba

    Using a previously unenforced law against trade with Cuba, the Trump administration is heading towards a major showdown with the international community, writes CSC Director, ROB MILLER ON January 16 the US government suspended Title III of the Helms-Burton legislation for 45 days. Title III is the part of the Helms-Burton Act which gives US…

  • Supporting the sound of socialism

    ROB MILLER, Cuba Solidarity Campaign director, reports on Play for Cuba, an exciting new campaign collecting musical instruments and equipment to send to young musicians on the island Play for Cuba is supporting young musicians on the island by providing new and second-hand instruments donated by British supporters. The appeal was launched at the National…

  • Cuba's passion for education is an inspiration to all

    FROM the very first days of the revolution education became a priority. In 1953, around half a million or 44 per cent of children between the ages of six and 14 were without schools, only 17 per cent of 15-19-year-olds attended formal education and more than one million people were illiterate. The situation deteriorated in…

  • Working Together: Education and Community in Cuba

    AS I reflect on my recent visit to Cuba as part of the National Education Union’s delegation of teachers, I am struck by the overwhelming sense of community that we witnessed throughout the time we were there. Our delegation lasted just six days, but in that short space of time were able to visit a…

  • Healthcare for all is not an aspiration but a reality for Cubans

    “Visiiting Cuba reminds me that health for all is not a dream for the future, it’s not just an aspiration; it’s a reality now. Cuba is an example for the world” – Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general, World Health Organisation DESPITE the huge economic challenge of the US blockade, Cubans receive world leading healthcare. Health is…

  • Women and the 'revolution within the revolution'

    FROM the outset, the revolution sought to reverse the inequalities which existed in Cuban society. Although women made up only 17 per cent of the labour force, and were the primary victims of the illiteracy that afflicted much of the population, they played a key role in the fight against the Batista dictatorship. Through underground…

  • The Latin American Medical School

    IN HAVANA, written on a wall there is a slogan accredited to young communists: “Amor es la major ley” (love is the best law). What would you give to live in a society where love is proclaimed as the best law? Words like “love thy neighbour as thyself” are often spoken at this time of…