Author: admin

  • Massive show of solidarity at RMT Garden Party

    There was a massive show of solidarity at the annual RMT Garden Party for Cuba where almost 500 people from across the labour and trade union movement celebrated international solidarity with the island. Guest of honour and one of Cuba’s renowned international medical volunteers, Dr Enmanuel Vigil Fonseca said “I have worked all over the…

  • Cuban Ambassador hosts Friends of Cuba reception

    Her Excellency Teresita Vicente, Cuban Ambassador, hosted over 100 ‘Friends of Cuba’ and special guests including parliamentarians, ambassadors, trade unionists, artists, journalists and lawyers at an exclusive reception at the Ambassador’s residency in St John’s Wood, London, to thank them for their support for Cuba and the Cuba Solidarity Campaign. Parliamentarians in attendance included Diane…

  • Young trade unionists in solidarity with Cuba in 60th anniversary year

    Young Trade Unionists Report 2019 30 young trade unionists from Unite, Unison, GMB, RMT and TSSA, representing over four million workers in Britain and Ireland participated in Cuba Solidarity Campaign’s 14th annual Young Trade Unionists’ May Day brigade to Cuba where they took part in a full programme of solidarity agricultural work, conferences, meetings, visits…

  • Cuba: 60 years of revolution, 60 years of standing firm against imperialism

    This year marks the sixtieth anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. Despite ever-present threats and aggressions from the world’s largest superpower, just ninety miles away, the Cuban Revolution has survived and developed over time. Cuban achievements in education and health have been remarkable and so have Cuban expressions of international solidarity in practice. There is so…

  • In memory of Anne Blair, a tireless supporter of Cuba

    On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and all our members and affiliates in the UK, we would like to offer our deepest sympathy to Anne’s partner Tony, her family, colleagues and many friends. We are all deeply saddened by this loss. Anne has been a long term supporter of the…

  • NEU helps break the blockade with thousands of instruments sent to Cuba

    The first ever National Education Union conference took place in Liverpool in April, and delegates particpated in three fantastic actions to show solidarity with the Cuban people against the US blockade. While the US government was announcing measures to intensify the blockade, the UK’s largest teaching union hosted Maida Bisset Despaigne, regional secretary of the…

  • Cuba60 Young Workers Tour

    The Cuba60 programme of events began with a fantastic Young Cuban Workers Tour of Britain, where two leading Cuban trade unionists, Yuniel Espinosa Reyes (Regional Secretary of the Energy and Mining Trade Union (SNTE), Ciego de Avila) and Yelena Gómez Gómez (official from the Provincial Tourism Trade Union (SNTHT), Matanzas), travelled over 1,500 miles and…

  • Play for Cuba appeal – last 10 days to donate instruments

    There are just two weeks left to donate and collect musical instruments for the Play for Cuba appeal before they will all be loaded onto the containers for shipping all the way to Cuba. Over 400 instruments have already been collected but you can still add yours. Get in touch with your local regional coordinators…

  • Go to Cuba this May Day: Last few places available for the CSC May Day Study Tour to Cuba 28 April – 9 May

    Want to visit Cuba for the 60th anniversary of the Revolution? Now is your chance! Book today. This popular tour includes visits to Cuban trade union organisations, with associated professional visits to workplaces, schools and local health care centres. The itinerary includes a special invitation to attend the inspirational May Day Rally in Plaza de…

  • Labour Women in solidarity with Cuba

    Cuba Solidarity Campaign ran a successful stand at the Labour Party Women’s Conference in Telford. Many Labour women delegates joined CSC, requested speakers for their CLP meetings and found out more about the latest news in Cuba and the Cuba60 events taking place throughout the year. Dawn Butler MP, Shadow Women’s and Equalities Secretary, visited…