Workers celebrate May Day

Workers from nearly 30 countries will travel to Cuba to celebrate International Workers' Day on 1 May 2012. 

In a press conference in Havana on 12 April, the general secretary of the Cuban Workers' Confederation (CTC), Salvador Valdes Mesa, announced that more than 1,500 solidarity activists from all continents will participate in several activities to mark the date in Cuba.

From the UK, more than 50 trade unionists and solidarity activists will be taking part Cuba Solidarity Campaign tours including the May Day Study Tour Cycle Cuba Challenge and Young Trade Unionist’s May Day brigade.

Valdes Mesa said that, as part of the May Day celebrations, some of the visitors will take part in the Second International Conference of the Working Youth, scheduled for April 29-30 in Havana. Convened by the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), the event will bring together some 200 delegates who will discuss several topics, including unemployment. The workers' leader added that this would be an opportunity for the Cuban people to send a message of solidarity to all workers around the world who suffer the consequences of the current global economic crisis and who suffering repression for demanding their rights.


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