Welsh Parliament extends its solidarity to Cuba

A Statement of Opinion tabled in the Welsh Parliament (Senedd) in November, expressing solidarity with the people of Cuba, now has the support of 19 Members of the Senedd (MS), just under a third of all representatives.

The Statement of Opinion, which was tabled following the most recent United Nations General Assembly vote calling for an end to the US blockade, has been supported by nine Plaid Cymru MSs, nine Labour MSs and one independent MS.

Luke Fletcher, the Plaid Cymru MS for the South Wales West region who tabled the Statement, has expressed his surprise that “Cuba is not upheld as an example” and said that it “is something that I’ve been working to change”. The Statement of Opinion included five key points, that the Senedd:

  • Expresses its solidarity with the people of Cuba;
  • Notes that 185 countries voted against the US blockade of Cuba at the UN, with only the US and Israel supporting its continuation;
  • Further notes that this inhumane policy has been in place for more than 60 years causing severe shortages of food, medicines and fuel;
  • Recognises that despite the blockade, Cuba has made real achievements in health and education policy with the results widely applauded by UNESCO and the WHO; and
  • Believes that the Welsh government should develop links with Cuba in areas of mutual interest.

Fletcher argued that “Cuba’s resourcefulness and huge strides in many areas, despite the US blockade, should be a source of inspiration and learning.” Championing Cuba’s record of internationalism, Fletcher noted that “while many countries export soldiers and consumer goods, Cuba exports doctors”. Drawing attention to Cuba’s environmental efforts, Fletcher has highlighted that while questions around energy security have become prominent in Britain and Wales, “Cuba… has been making significant inroads in this area” by “paving the way for renewables experimentation”.

While the experiences of Wales and Cuba might not immediately appear to be parallel, Fletcher has suggested that if Cuba can achieve all it has for its people, despite the “crippling blockade” then Wales, “hamstrung by Westminster… can surely look to its [Cuba’s] imagination as a resource for our own development”. We hope this expression of solidarity, from the elected representatives of one small nation to another, will perhaps signify a deepening friendship, and partnership, between the two nations.

If you live in Wales and your MS has not signed the Statement of Opinion yet, please contact them to ask. You can find your MS here.


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