WATCH-Solidarity with Cuba:resisting 60 years of blockade & intervention (TUC Congress Rally)

If you missed the TUC Congress Solidarity Rally on Monday 13 September, you can watch it here.


Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, General Secretary, Cuban Workers Central (CTC)

Her Excellency Barbara Montalvo,Cuban Ambassador,

Niurka Gonzalez Obera, General Secretary, Cuban Education Union (SNTECD)

Santiago Badia Gonzalez, General Secretary, Cuban Health Workers Union (SNTS)

Navendu Mishra, Labour MP for Stockport

Kevin Courtney, Joint General Secretary (NEU)

Dave Ward, General Secretary (CWU)

Mariela Kohon. Senior international officer

Tony Woodhouse, Chair, Unite Executive Committee

Zita Holbourne, Vice President (PCS)

Diana Holland, Chair, Cuba Solidarity Campaign

Rob Miller, CSC director

2022 will mark 60 years of the US blockade against Cuba. Despite campaign promises that he would reverse an additional 243 sanctions introduced by the Trump administration, the blockade remains intensified under Biden.

Shortages in food and medicines have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and are causing real suffering for the Cuban people.

Join trade union leaders from Cuba and Britain to discuss the escalation of the US economic and political warfare against Cuba and the urgent case for aid, solidarity and an international campaign against US intervention now.


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