Washington and the EU block Cuba resolution against abuse in Guantanamo Bay

So-called defenders of human rights exposed as hypocrites once agains

UNITED NATIONS, July 22- The United States and the European Union today conspired to block a resolution aimed at protecting human rights and fundamental liberties in the context of international military operations against terrorism.

The 10-paragraph resolution, presented by Cuba, establishes substantial reaffirmations of UN principles, as well as demands, appeals and criticisms related to preventing violations such as those committed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and on the Guantánamo Naval Base.

The resolution took into account the ample documentation referring to those cases in the report by Pentagon General Tabuga and the Human Rights Commission (HRC).

With this initiative Cuba was continuing a resolution that was originally presented at the 60th session of this organization in Geneva.

According to the Cuban representatives at the UN, the US and the EU together voted against adopting the resolution and tried to pressure other countries from doing so.

The result was 24 countries voted against the resolution while 12 voted in favour and 17 abstained.



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