US Embassy Protest Vigil for the Five – final speakers confirmed

Please forward this information today

Thursday 1 October 2009 6pm-7.30pm

US Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London, with special guests from Cuba Adriana Pérez, Olga Salanueva, and Irma González – families of the Miami Five.

They will be joined by many guest speakers including: Colin Burgon MP, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Michael Mansfield QC, Bob Crow, GS RMT, Billy Hayes, GS CWU, Luke Crawley, AGS BECTU, Jerry Bartlett, DGS, NASUW, Linda Perks, RS London UNISON, Sally Hunt, GS, UCU, Hector Wesley, EC PCS, Jennie Bremner, AGS, Unite, Steve Hart, RS, Unite, Manuel Cortes, AGS, TSSA, Kelly Hockley, CYWU, Steve Cottingham, OH Parsons, Christine Blower, GC NUT (tbc)

The vigil will be followed by an opportunity to meet the guests informally at a local venue.

“The struggle must be multiplied until the US government is forced to put an end to this monstrous injustice and restore freedom to Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando and René”

Bring candles to this peaceful vigil for the Five and their families to mark the 11th year of their unjust imprisonment.

Please start mobilising for this vigil today. Publicity and information from

T. 020 8800 0155

The Miami 5 – Jailed for fighting terrorism

Gerardo Hernández, René González, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando González – have been in US jails for 11 for working to expose terrorist groups operating in Miami against Cuba.

Download the US Embassy Vigil flyer here.


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