US Embassy in Madrid held secret anti-Cuba meeting

Caleb McCarry, appointed by the US administration as "Cuba transition coordinator," recently held a secret meeting at the US embassy in Madrid with a group of individuals who support Washington?s hostile Cuba policy and the toppling of the Cuban


Among the people attending the meeting were notorious terrorists and CIA agents like Carlos Alberto Montaner and Leopoldo Fernandez Pujals, Granma newspaper reported.

McCarry holds a position similar to the post of Iraq administrator held by Paul Bremer after the US invasion, explained the Cuban newspaper.

The meeting took place with the objective of “not to impart doctrine, but to listen,” reported the rightwing ABC newspaper in an article

entitled Diplomacia discreta [Discreet diplomacy].

According to ABC, the meeting was organized by US ambassador to Spain Eduardo Aguirre, known for his close friendship with President Bush and his continuous interference in Spain’s domestic affairs.

To the surprise of many political analysts, McCarry was also received in Spain by the General Director for Ibero-America Javier Sandomingo of the Spanish Foreign Ministry, who, according to ABC, regularly talks with McCarry.

Proconsul McCarry arrived camouflaged to Madrid, as part of a secret tour of several European countries, designed to compel the European Union (EU) to maintain a hostile stance towards Cuba. His European trip takes place at a time when there is a favorable rapprochement of the EU towards Cuba; and Washington is alarmed that the EU could eliminate its sanctions against Cuba, which are currently suspended.

In June, the EU is scheduled to revise sanctions it imposed on Cuba in 2003, a move that was criticized as bowing down to US interests. The Bush administration has worked tirelessly and used all types of pressures to get the EU to maintain its sanctions against Cuba.

Last year, after a favorable official visit to Havana by Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, Washington stepped up its pressure, urgently sending several White House envoys, including McCarry, to Europe to press the Bush administration’s agenda.

Cuban News Agency


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