Urgent online action for Wednesday 24 October

Today, Wednesday 24 October, at 8.30pm

the US government is organising an online discussion about its new measures against Cuba, with the participation of Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce of the United States, and co-chair of the Bush administrations "Assistance to a Free Cuba".

Please post questions to Gutierrez now on:


Please let the White House feel level of UK outrage at Bush's most recent statement by sending questions about the criminal and unjustified nature of the US Blockade and the policy of hostility and harassment against Cuba.

For almost 50 years Cuba has been the victim of terrorist actions, all of them masterminded and financed with the complicity of the USA Government.

While five Cuban fighters against terrorism are unjustly imprisoned in US Federal Prisons, one of the worst terrorists of the Western Hemisphere, Luis Posada Carriles, walks freely in Miami thanks to US Government leniency, boasting of the crimes committed against the island.

Nest week the United Nations will once again vote unanimously to condemn the US blockade of Cuba. Instead of listening to international

Please use this opportunity to raise these issues directly with US Government authorities, to ask questions, to demand explanations and to express your condemnation of their actions.

Please post your questions now at You can put questions to Gutierrez at:


About Carlos Gutierrez :

“As co-chair for the Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, Secretary Gutierrez is actively involved in U.S. – Cuba policy. He is a strong advocate for the Bush Administration’s policy of helping the Cuban people hasten the day of their freedom from dictatorship. (?) Secretary Gutierrez was sworn into office on February 7, 2005. Born in Havana, Cuba in 1953, he came to the United States with his family in 1960. In 1975 he joined Kellogg as a sales representative. Rising to president and chief executive officer in 1999, he was the youngest CEO in the company’s nearly 100-year history. In April 2000, he was named chairman of the board of Kellogg Company.”


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