Urge your MP to sign EDM 1405 on Cuba

The UK Government will vote on whether to eliminate sanctions against Cuba at the forthcoming Council of Europe meeting in June.

An Early Day Motion No.1405 has been tabled in parliament calling on the British government to play a constructive role at the meeting and vote to end sanctions.

Please contact your MP and ask them to sign the Early Day Motion 1405 today.

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EDM 1405


That this House welcomes the recognition by Louis Michel, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, who recently visited Cuba, that European Union sanctions against Cuba are the fundamental obstacle to the advancement of relations with Cuba and should be eliminated; congratulates Cuba on its decision to sign two UN human rights treaties, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the decision to voluntarily allow UN human rights observers to make regular visits to Cuba; notes that a large majority of European Union member states are in favour of lifting European Union sanctions against Cuba; and urges the UK Government to vote to eliminate all sanctions against Cuba at the forthcoming Council of Europe meeting in July.


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