UN urges US to end Cuba embargo

The UN General Assembly has voted for a 16th consecutive year to recommend that the US ends its trade embargo on Cuba, imposed more than four decades ago.

The resolution is non-binding and previous resolutions have had no effect on US policy.

The 192-member General Assembly passed the measure by 184 votes to four, with one abstention.

The vote comes shortly after US President George W Bush reaffirmed that the US embargo would remain in place.

The US, Israel, Palau, and the Marshall Islands voted against repealing the embargo, while Micronesia abstained.

Last year's resolution was passed by 183 votes to four, also with one abstention.

The document calls on the US to end its economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba "as soon as possible", in line with the UN charter and international law.

Cuba's foreign minister Felipe Perez Roque told the General Assembly ahead of the vote that the US blockade had been enforced more fiercely than ever over the last year.

But in a speech last week President Bush said the US would maintain its embargo as long as the government in Cuba keeps a "monopoly" on power.



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