Two British Professors nominate Cuban medics for Nobel Peace Prize

Dr Alpesh Maisuria, University of the West of England, and Dr Matt Henn, Nottingham Trent University, have formally nominated Cuba’s Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade to receive the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize.

In his nomination Dr Henn said

‘Many thousands of medics from the Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade have travelled to countries across the globe and have assisted more than 4 million people since 2005. They have worked in 45 countries following natural disasters from earthquakes to floods and during cholera and Ebola outbreaks. This internationalism and humanitarianism is truly inspiring.’

On announcing his nomination Dr Maisuria said

‘In a world conditioned by the maxim ‘greed is good’, solidarity is in short supply. In the context of heightened US hostility, it would have been understandable for Cuba to have retreated from its internationalism with a ‘Cuba-first’ policy. However quite the opposite has happened. Cuba has been emboldened to help others by saving lives across the world with its Henry Reeve Medical Brigade. So, here is a developing country, with significant economic problems of its own, that is quietly sharing its most valued asset with the rest of the world. Truly amazing and deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize.’

Add your name to the growing petition to award the Cuban doctors the Nobel Peace Prize here


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