Trade Unions for Cuba eNewsletter – Volume 3, Issue 1

Spring 2015 Edition

The Spring 2015 issue of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign's Trade Unions for Cuba eNewsletter is now available to read online. The newsletter contains the latest news on Cuba and CSC with particular emphasis on our work with trade unions. This is the first edition of the newsletter after a break – we do hope you enjoy it and any feedback is welcome.

This issue includes:

– The blockade is not over: New model motion on Cuba

– NUT invite Cuban Teacher to Britain for Conference

– Over 50 British trade unionists’ to visit Cuba for May Day

– Trade Union News Round Up

Please forward the eNewsletter to friends and colleagues, share on social networking sites or print off for notice boards and distribution around offices.

Links for the eNewsletter, the new model motion and trade union affiliation forms can all be found below. Please contact Ollie Hopkins, Campaigns Officer, with any feedback or for more information.


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