Third British member of parliament Navendu Mishra MP nominates Cuban medics for Nobel Peace Prize

Navendu Mishra MP has become the third British MP to formally nominate the Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. He is the Labour Member of Parliament for Stockport in the North West of England.

In his nomination Navendu Mishra MP said

‘Over the past fifteen years, 10,000 members of the Henry Reeve International Brigade have saved 90,000 lives during natural disasters and health emergencies. I believe that their inspirational internationalism deserves recognition. While the world is suffering through the coronavirus pandemic, it has been truly inspirational to watch how Cuba has assisted other countries in the fight against Covid-19. ’

Navendu Mishra MP was one of the primary signatories to the UK online petition supporting the call for the Nobel prize to be awarded to the Cuban medics. It has since been signed by over 6000 people. In his message he said

‘It truly has been marvellous over the past few months to see the response from Cuba at this time and show what can be done when a country shares it’s expertise and it’s resources. The Nobel Peace Prize would be a welcome acknowledgement of the efforts of these Cuban medics.’

Sign and share the petition here:


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