Teaching union fringe first for CSC

Association of Teachers and Lecturers hear from Cuban guests at annual conference

CSC held its first ever fringe meeting at the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) union conference in Liverpool on Tuesday 7 April. The ATL has 160,000 members in the education sector and delegates heard about Cuba’s achievements in education over the last 50 years.

Ana Margarita Fuertes, a Cuban teacher discussed the Cuban education system, Cuba's own illiteracy irradication programmes during the 1960's and their current inspiring teaching method, 'Yo Si Puedo' (Yes I can) which has so far taught more than 3 million people to read and write in 30 countries around the world.

Luis Marron, Political Counsellor at the Cuba Embassy gave an update on Cuba 50 years after the Revolution. Both speakers answered questions on a wide variety of subjects from music teaching to political pluralism in Cuba.

The meeting was chaired by Phil Jacques, ATL International Coordinator.

The ATL is not affiliated to CSC, however it is hoped that through such meetings with the union, more members may become interested the experiences and example of the Cuban education system and lead to further educational exchanges, and support for the campaign agains the US blockade which negatively impacts of the education of Cuban children.


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