Spanish Parliamentary motion against Cuba beaten

Effort to get Spain to support the Bush plan fails

Madrid, Dec 19 (Prensa Latina) A motion of the Spanish Popular Party against Cuba was beaten in the Spanish Legislature Tuesday with 165 votes against, and 132 PP votes in favor, with 17 abstentions.

The political party led by Mariano Rajoy, of which ex President of Government Jose Maria Aznar is a member, hoped to impose a common position against Cuba to be used as an instrument to join Washington s efforts to destroy the Cuban Revolution.

The motion sought Spain to support the Bush-instigated "democratic transition" in Cuba to give "assistance to free Cuba" that is defended in Spain by Caleb Mc Carry, selected to hold office in the island if the Cuban Revolution is destroyed.

This intention was denounced by Izquierda Unida coordinator Gaspar Llamazares, dismissing the PP strategy as simply seeking to get on the bandwagon of US government policy.

"It is a frivolous and anachronistic initiative, with neo-colonial ideas of intervention and confrontation," said Llamazares.


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