Meeting Wednesday 14 October, 7.30pm – Transport House, Unite the Union Building, 128 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8TN (Holborn tube)

No more dictators in Latin America

End all US financial support to the coup


Ken Livingstone

Tony Lloyd MP,

Chair, Parliamentary Labour Party

Sally Hunt, TUC General Council International Spokesperson

Colin Burgon MP

Katherine Ronderos, Central America Women’s Network

Steve Hart, Regional Secretary, Unite London and Eastern

Alvaro Sanchez, Counsellor, Venezuela Embassy

Karen Mitchell, Thompsons Solicitors

Dr Francisco Dominguez, Head of Latin America Studies, Middlesex Uni

Bernard Regan, National Secretary Cuba Solidarity Campaign

Plus videos and messages from Honduras

Last month President Zelaya returned to Honduras after being ousted in a military coup. He has since been taking refuge in the Brazilian Embassy. When tens of thousands took to the streets to welcome President Zelaya back, the Honduran coup regime responded with widespread violence. A number of people have been killed as a result of repression and a clampdown on civil liberties has seen hundreds arrested and the closure of independent media.

This public meeting will update on the situation in Honduras and how we can offer solidarity to help bring President Zelaya back to the Presidency and restore democracy in Honduras.

This meeting is part of the activities of the Emergency Committee Against the Coup in Honduras. The Committee involves Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign, Labour Friends of Venezuela, UNITE the Union, UNITE London & Eastern Regions, South East Region TUC, and other bodies of the British Labour movement and Latin American communities.

For more information email:


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