Rene Gonzalez sends message to British supporters at Vigil

Rene Gonzalez, one of the Miami Five, currently on supervised release in Florida, sent CSC a message in advance of the US Embassy Vigil for all supporters in Britain, and especially all of those who went to the vigil on 18 September.

September 15, 2012

Dear friends and supporters from the United Kingdom:

Once again you take your precious time to gather here, in front of the building which represents the government that has kept us in prison to protect their self given privilege of bringing death and terrorism to the people of Cuba. Once again we have to take the opportunity to express to all of you our admiration and gratitude.

It has been 14 years of hardship for us and for our families. It has been a calculated treatment designed not only to brake our spirits, but also to chatter our ties with our loved ones, to undermine our most immediate and cherished base of moral support through the imposition of a forced geographical distance.

But our captors never imagined that from more distant places people like all of you here would come to the rescue with your solidarity and your sense of justice. Instead of suffering defeat we have become stronger. Now we still have the unwavering love of our families, and we have something more that we never expected: The love of thousands of people all over the world, represented by you here.

In the 14 years passed since our arrests that support from all over the world has steadily grown, but it started with only a few personal messages, some of them from this country. It was like a small seed that grows into a big tree and then multiplies to become a forest. Nevertheless, even in the middle of such a big forest, we can still identify that beautiful tree growing on the United Kingdom, which started as a just a small seed. We can identify it by its wide trunk, the well developed branches and, more than anything, by its fruits of love, struggle and solidarity.

For all of it, again and forever, we send you our most sincere and deep feelings of admiration and gratitude.

A big embrace to all.

Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando and René.


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