Press Release: Daughter of Ernesto ‘Ché’ Guevara to talk about Cuban response to Ebola on UK tour

PRESS RELEASE – 24.11.2014

Dr Aleida Guevara, daughter of Che, will speak at a number of public meetings across the UK in November/December 2014 to discuss her father’s legacy, her country’s remarkable response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa, and the ongoing effects of the US blockade on Cuba

Cuba currently has the largest contingent of foreign health workers volunteering in Ebola treatment centres in Sierra Leone and has already seen one of their team contract the disease. As a doctor, who has volunteered on Cuban medical brigades in Angola, Ecuador and Nicaragua, Aleida Guevara said of Cuba’s role in West Africa:

“It is our duty; we are Afro-Latin Americans, and we’ll take our solidarity to the children of that continent, for their contribution to our nation.”
Dr Aleida Guevara March is the eldest daughter of four children born to Argentine revolutionary Ernesto ‘Ché’ Guevara and his second wife, Aleida March. She is visiting the UK for just 6 days in November/December in a speaking tour organised by the Cuba Solidarity Campaign.

She will speak about her father’s legacy in Cuba and Latin America, including Cuba’s medical internationalism which is responsible for treating millions of people around the world – including, incredibly, the Bolivian soldier who shot and killed Che Guevara in October 1967.

Aleida will also speak about the US blockade of the island which is now in its 52 year:

“If the embargo was lifted today, Cuban economy would be thriving tomorrow. And if our everyday life improved, if there was affordable housing, then our public transport, diet and entertainment industry would take a turn for the better as well. More things and services would become available to our people. A time of prosperity would begin for our country.” (Aleida Guevara, Russia Today, 2014)

She will end her tour speaking at a Candlelight Vigil for the Miami Five outside the US Embassy in London’s Grosvenor Square on Wednesday 3 December at 6pm, where she call for President Obama to release three Cuban men imprisoned in US jails since 1998 for trying o prevent terrorist attacks against their country.



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