Please send a message of love and hope to the Five and their families this New Year

Almost 3,000 people have added their names to Voices for the Five and sent a message of hope to Antonio, Fernando, Gerardo, Ramon and Rene that they are not forgotten and the campaign for their freedom will continue until they are home.

This is a time of year that many of us are fortunate to spend with family and loved ones – something cruelly denied to the remaining four prisoners and their families.

That’s why we are asking you if you can make an extra effort during this holiday period to help us to reach 5,000 names by January 2014?

If you have not done so already, please add your name today on the link below, and if you have, please forward this link and message below to your friends and colleagues.

If everyone who has added a message, could find just five more people to add theirs too then we have the real possibility of reaching 5,000 voices by next year. This really would send a real message of love and hope to the remaining four prisoners and all the families of the Five.

Please help us by adding your voice today and forwarding the message below to your friends, family and colleagues today and help send a welcome New Year message of love and hope to the Five and their families.

Thank you.

The Voices for the Five and Cuba Solidarity Team

Please share or forward the message below on facebook, twitter and email….

Dear friends,

Please take just 20 seconds to add your name in to an international humanitarian appeal for justice for Cuban Five.

I have already added my name, together with international personalities including actors Emma Thompson and Martin Sheen, academic Noam Chomsky, former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Rowan Williams, and author John Le Carré. We have all signed up to Voices for the Five, an international campaign working for justice and freedom for the Cuban Five, five Cubans wrongly imprisoned in US jails for fighting terrorism against their country.

Please will you join me and add your name today on this link below

It takes less than 10 seconds to add your name, and in just a few seconds more you can leave a personal message and picture, or video message too.

Please add your name today and support the campaign for justice for these five men and their families who have been cruelly separated from their loved ones for more than 15 years.

Thank you.


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