Music Fund for Cuba recieves thanks for ballet shoe donation

"On the important donation from the Music Fund for Cuba to the Camaguey Ballet Company and the Academy of Arts “Vicente de la Torre”, Cuba."

"As part of the systematic work and support of the different cultural, educational and medical institutions of the non-profit organisation, the Music Fund for Cuba, of Great Britain, the Camaguey Ballet Company and Academy of Arts 'Vicentina de la Torre' of Camaguey province has received a significant donation of ballet shoes.

"The Director of the Ballet Company, Regina Maria Balaguer remarked: “This donation is not only of great financial importance but also of moral significance during the time of an intense blockade against our country and we are delighted because it is a valuable contribution and tribute to the 40 year anniversary of the foundation of the Ballet Company of Camaguey."

The Ballet Company of Camaguey was founded on 1st December 1967 and has been directed by many leading figures of Cuban ballet such as Vicentina de la Torre, Joaquin Banegas and Fernando Alonso, the latter being the founder of the world-renowned Cuban School of Ballet.

The Ballet Company of Camaguey and the Academy of Arts as well as the Centre of Coordination for the International Contribution to Cuban Culture, the institution which oversaw the successful delivery of the donation, express their gratitude and recognition of this noble gesture of the British people and in particular the Music Fund for Cuba, the Birmingham Royal Ballet and the London Royal ballet, as a sign of brotherhood and admiration for art and dance."


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