More than 100 UK parliamentarians call for Miami 5 retrial

The case of the Miami 5 reaches a critical point this month, as they submit their appeal for a new trial to the US Supreme Court.

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Unite the Union, UNISON, the TUC and the Trade Union Labour Organisation (TULO) launched an urgent the appeal for parliamentarians to support the appeal.

In response, more than 100 UK parliamentarians including, MPs, MEPs, and MSPs have backed this call by adding their names to a ‘Friends of the Court’ brief which will be a vital part of the supporting documents to the case when it is submitted in the US next week.

The US Supreme Court hears just 1 per cent of the thousands of appeals to rehear cases which are put before it each year. Under the US legal system, support from parliamentarians and legal professionals from around the world is crucial as it can be used to give added international weight to their cause, and call for a retrial.

The appeal for a new trial by the Miami Five argues that the Five Cubans did not receive a fair hearing in Miami because the virulently hostile atmosphere of the Cuban émigré community meant a fair trial was impossible. The five, René González, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and Gerardo Hernández, were arrested more than 10 years ago while gathering information on Miami-based groups responsible for terrorist attacks against the Cuban people.

All supporting names on the Supreme Court Appeal need to be added by 24 February. So far 75 MPs, plus MEPs and MSPs have signed.

Ian Gibson MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cuba said:

"The fact that over 100 parliamentarians from the House of Commons and other parliamentary assemblies have signed the legal brief for the Miami 5 demonstrates clearly the strength of international opinion on this case.

As Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cuba I am more than happy to add my name to the international appeal for a new trial for the Miami 5"

The parliamentarians who have signed are:

Dave Anderson , MP, Labour, Blaydon

John Austin, MP, Labour, Erith and Thamesmead

Celia Barlow, MP, Labour, Hove and Portslade

Colin Burgon, MP , Labour, Elmet

Ronnie Campbell, MP, Labour, Blyth Valley

Martin Caton, MP, Labour, Gower

David Chaytor, MP, Labour, Bury North

Michael Clapham , MP, Labour, Barnsley West & Penistone

Katy Clark, MP, Labour, North Ayrshire & Arran

David Clelland, MP, Labour, Tyne Bridge

Harry Cohen, MP, Labour, Leyton & Wanstead

Michael Connarty, MP, Labour, Linlithgow & Falkirk East

Frank Cook, MP, Labour, Stockton North

Jeremy Corbyn, MP, Labour, Islington North

Jim Cousins, MP, Labour, Newcastle Central

Jon Cruddas, MP, Labour, Dagenham

Ann Cryer, MP, Labour, Keighley

Dai Davies, MP, Independent, Blaenau Gwent

Janet Dean, MP, Labour, Burton

Jim Devine, MP, Labour, Livingston

Andrew Dismore, MP, Labour, Hendon

Jim, Dobbin MP, Labour, Heywood & Middleton

David Drew, MP, Labour, Stroud

Bill Etherington, MP, Labour, Sunderland North

Neil Gerrard, MP, Labour, Walthamstow

Ian Gibson, MP, Labour, Norwich North

Michelle Gildernew, MP/MLA, Sinn Fein, Fermanagh & South Tyrone

Andrew Gwynne, MP, Labour, Denton & Reddish

Peter Hain, MP, Labour, Neath

Dai Harvard, MP, Labour, Merthyr Tydfil & Rhymney

David Heyes, MP, Labour, Ashton-under-Lyne

Kate Hoey, MP, Labour, Vauxhall

Paul Holmes, MP, Liberal Democrat, Chesterfield

Kelvin Hopkins, MP, Labour, Luton North

Jim Hood, MP, Labour, Lanark & Hamilton East

George Howarth, MP, Labour, Knowsley & Sefton East

Lynne Jones, MP, Labour, Birmingham Selly Oak

Rt Hon Gerald Kaufman, MP, Labour, Manchester Gorton

David Kidney, MP, Labour, Stafford

Peter Kilfoyle, MP, Labour, Liverpool Walton

Mark Lazarowicz, MP, Labour, Edinburgh North & Leith

John Leech, MP, Liberal Democrat, Manchester Withington

David Lepper, Labour, Brighton Pavillion

Tony Lloyd, MP, Labour, Manchester Central

Andy, Love, MP, Labour, Edmonton

Rob Marris, MP, Labour, Wolverhampton South West

Bob Marshall-Andrews QC, MP, Labour, Medway

John McDonnell, MP, Labour, Hayes & Harlington

Jim McGovern, MP, Labour, Dundee West

Anne Moffat, MP, Labour, East Lothian

Julie Morgan, MP, Labour, Cardiff North

Conor Murphy, MP/MLA, Sinn Fein, Newry & Armagh

Sandra Osborne, MP, Labour, Ayr, Carrick & Cumnock

Nick Palmer, MP, Labour, Broxtowe

Adam Price, MP, Plaid Cymru, Carmarthen East & Dinefwr

Gwyn Prosser, MP, Labour, Dover

Ken Purchase, MP, Labour, Wolverhampton North East

Linda Riordan, MP, Labour, Halifax

Virendra Sharma, MP, Labour, Ealing Southall

Jim Sheridan, MP, Labour, Paisley & Renfrewshire North

Alan, Simpson, MP, Labour, Nottingham South

Dennis Skinner, MP, Labour, Bolsover

Angela E. Smith, MP, Labour, Basildon

Ian Stewart, MP, Labour, Eccles

Gavin Strang, MP, Labour, Edinburgh East

David Taylor, MP, Labour, North West Leicestershire

Emily Thornberry, MP, Labour, Islington South & Finsbury

Mark Todd, MP, Labour, South Derbyshire

Jon Trickett, MP, Labour, Hemsworth

Des Turner, MP , Labour, Brighton Kemptown

Keith Vaz MP, Labour, Leicester East

Bob Wareing, MP, Independent, Liverpool West Derby

Jenny Willott, MP, Liberal Democrat, Cardiff Central

Mike, Wood, MP, Labour, Batley & Spen

Derek Wyatt, MP, Labour, Sittingbourne & Sheppey

CSC Director Rob Miller said: “The UK parliamentarians who have added their names to the Supreme Court appeal, join with thousands of other parliamentarians and legal professionals around the world who have added their names. CSC is grateful to the support of the trade union movement who have been lobbying hard on behalf of the Five on this issue.

“We have reached a critical moment in the case, and any MP who has not signed now has until Tuesday 24 February to add their names to the legal appeal, which could prove vital in getting it heard before the Supreme Court. I urge anyone whose MP has not signed yet, to contact them today and ask them to indicate their support by emailing their name to by 24 February.”

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