Message of thanks from Cuba

The Cuban Friendship Institute (ICAP) and the CTC (Cuban TUC) have issued messages of thanks to the international solidarity movement following last week’s UN vote against the US blockade:

ICAP’s message:

Dear all,

With joy and pleasure we have witnessed a new moral victory at the United Nations General Assembly. Indeed a triumph that greatly depends on the engagement, commitment and support of international actors such us you.

Our first words to you are of THANKS; for your consistency, hard work, steadfastness and perseverance in supporting our struggle for decades. For the “stubbornness” of dreaming and realizing that another world is indeed possible and achievable. For being with us, especially in our most difficult times. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

None of Cuba’s International gains would have been possible, if had not been for your persistence and determination in helping us out to move forwards.

Today’s result: 191 in favour, and even the change of votes (the 2 abstentions of the traditional opponents), significantly rest also on your everyday struggle, on your diligence presenting Cuba as it is to those still misinformed or misled, and the pressure the solidarity with Cuba have exerted towards the US government. We want all groups and individuals who support Cuba to feel this success as yours too.

Please extend our eternal gratitude to each and every one of those who have fought with us in this battle of ideas. From deep inside our hearts we are grateful, but this is just another crack in the wall. We need to pull it down for good, meaning we are still counting on you and there’s much to be done.




CTC’s message:


Dear Friends,

The Workers’ Central Union of Cuba, the Cuban workers and people thank you all expressions of support and solidarity against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba by the government of the United States.

The Cuban people’s struggle, the international solidarity and the results of voting at the United Nations have achieved this overwhelming victory.

The Cuban people will stand firm until the final lifting of the blockade!




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