Message from the Miami Five to CSC supporters

A message from Cuba to Britain from Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando and René

Dear sisters and brothers,

We send you greetings for your event today and I am happy to say that it comes to you not from a prison in the United States but rather from our freedom in Cuba. We cannot adequately express to you how great our satisfaction is that you are able to share in our happiness, you deserve it. Large celebrations like yours are taking place all over the world and these festivities reflect the tremendous support we had during our long imprisonment.

We always knew that our case was a political one and that our release would not come about because of a change of heart of the U.S. government. No, our freedom was the direct result of the unwavering support of our people and a world wide solidarity movement made up of people like you.

Congratulations to the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and to all of you in Britain, who fought against the injustice, for your tireless and instrumental efforts. It is a great victory for all of us but there is still a lot of work to be done and we look forward to marching arm and arm with you until the cruel blockade of Cuba is completely ended once and for all.

With great affection and solidarity,

Gerardo, Ramón, Antonio, Fernando and René

February 2015

Havana Cuba


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