Medical aid arrives in China

Some 4.5 tons of Cuban medical aid arrived in Chengdu City, capital of the Chinese province of Sichuan to help treat the victims of last May 12 earthquake.

The donation, consisting of serums and other medications was transferred to the local People?s Hospital “Number One” in Chengdu by members of one of the medical brigades that make up the “Henry Reeves” Cuban Medical internationalist contingent, PL news agency reported.

The Cuban emergency assistance includes the medications plus 35 doctors, nurses and paramedical personnel who were assigned to two hospital wards where they are treating evacuees from the quake hard hit areas, said Cuban surgeon Jose Rodriguez.

The Cuban doctor explained that as part of emergency activities, the Cuban doctors treated an 11-year-old child who suffered from serious and delicate wounds caused by the earthquake. The Cuban specialists will probably continue to do surgeries in the hospital for some time, said doctor Rodriguez.

Some 30, 000 patients seriously wounded in building collapses are still in hospitals in Sichuan and other nearby provinces, according to a report by the Chinese Public Health Minister.

Cuban News Agency


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