Massive turnout expected for May Day

Delegation from TUC in Havana for celebrations

Havana, Apr 28 (Prensa Latina)

The enthusiastic preparations for International Workers? Day, May 1, is growing in every part of Cuba to demonstrate Cubans? response to Washington that the "transition" taking place in Cuba is to "more and better socialism," Pedro Ross Leal, head of the Cuban Workers Federation asserted.

In an interview with the Granma daily newspaper, Ross detailed some of the achievements of Cuban workers, not attained in other countries -including in the industrialized world- such as full employment, social security, free education for their children, participation in national decisions, free health care for their families, not to mention the gains and position of women workers.

To a question on the role of youth in the sphere of work, considering that in Cuba young people have taken a lead in the areas of culture, science, social work and politics, Ross Leal responded that "young people are the key players of this time and every revolutionary time, and they have a most relevant role in the workers? movement."

In every Cuban municipality, the people will vote their support for the Revolution with their presence, but the central event is at the Jose Marti Revolution Plaza in Havana, which will have the massive attendance of two Havana provinces and where more than one thousand foreign guests are expected on Saturday.

Among the guests will be a delegation form the British TUC led by its president, Roger Lyons.


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