Latin America 2013 and Fiesta Latina

Saturday 7 December, 9.15am-5pm

Congress House, London

Adelante, the country's biggest Latin America conference is back at Congress house for it's ninth year.

It brings together political leaders, trade unionists, NGOs, academics & progressive movements from Latin America & the UK to explore recent developments across the region.

Latin America 2013 features guest speakers including:

? Carlos Fonseca, FSLN, Nicaragua

? Rodrigo Chavez , Venezuela

? H.E. Esther Armenteros, Ambassador for Cuba

? Tariq Ali, writer

? H.E. Alicia Castro, Ambassador for Argentina

? Jairo Diaz, Patriotic March, Colombia

? Seumas Milne, writer

? Jeremy Corbyn MP

? Ernesto Laclau, writer

? Owen Jones, writer

? Mohammed Taj, TUC President

? Darcus Howe, writer and broadcaster

? Oscar Guardiola-Rivera, writer

? Professor Doreen Massey

? Chris Williamson MP

? Victoria Brittain, writer

? Lindsey German, Stop the War Coalition

? & many more from across Britain & Latin America!

Latin America 2013 features films, stalls, music, discussion on:

? Venezuela – Celebrating Chavez’s Legacy: Defending the Revolution

? Will the economic changes benefit the Cuban people ?

? The threat of a good example – Remembering Allende after 40 years

? Racism & Domination in the Caribbean and Latin America – from Slavery to Neo-colonialism

? And much more including over 20 sessions on Colombia, Cuba, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua & Mexico

Fiesta Latina

The conference will be followed by a party featuring live Cuban and latin American music from Omar Puente and friends from 5.30pm at Bolivar Hall, Grafton Way (Warren Street, nearest tube)


Advance tickets £10 waged / £8 unwaged (£12 / £10 on the door) plus £5 for Fiesta (£7 on the door).

Call 020 7490 5715 and pay by credit/debit card, or send cheque payable to ‘CSC’ to CSC, c/o Unite, 33-37 Moreland Street, London EC1V 8BB.


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