Labour Women in solidarity with Cuba

Cuba Solidarity Campaign ran a successful stand at the Labour Party Women’s Conference in Telford. Many Labour women delegates joined CSC, requested speakers for their CLP meetings and found out more about the latest news in Cuba and the Cuba60 events taking place throughout the year.

Dawn Butler MP, Shadow Women’s and Equalities Secretary, visited the stall and discussed the achievements of Cuban women, including having the second highest percentage (53.2%) of women MPs in the world.

Delegates had their photos taken with our Cuba60 achievements posters, including one delegate who had her photo taken with the medical internationalism poster. She requested this poster “because my brother-in-law’s life was saved by a Cuban medic when he was working in Angola” she said.

International guests from the ANC visited the stand and had their photos taken with a range of the Cuba60 achievement posters and they spoke of the strong bonds of solidarity between the South African and Cuban people.


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