Join the IFCO/Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba this July – End the Blockade

In July 2011 the 22nd Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba will travel in school buses, trucks and cars on 12 different routes to visit more than 130 US and Canadian cities. At every stop we will educate people about the US blockade while collecting medical, educational, construction and cultural supplies to take to Cuba as humanitarian aid.

From Texas we travel to Cuba via Mexico. We go without asking for or accepting a US government license, as a disciplined collective challenge to the blockade and travel ban, and as ambassadors for a People to People foreign policy

We will spend 9 days in Cuba, in Havana and neighboring provinces, in fellowship with our Cuban brothers and sisters. This year, through an exciting educational and cultural program, we will celebrate and honor the achievements of young people in Cuba, as well as learn about their daily lives and experiences as we visit organic gardens, neighborhood projects, health centers and schools. Cuba is well known for its rich culture and focus on human development – all of which comes from investment in human beings. We will meet the young scientists, doctors, teachers, social workers, artists, musicians and community activists who are increasingly at the forefront of developing their own society, and participating in internationalist missions to assist the peoples of other countries.

We will also be commemorating and lifting up the life of Rev Lucius Walker, Jr., the founding director of IFCO/Pastors for Peace, who for 18 years gave prophetic and visionary leadership to our caravans to Cuba in defiance of the US blockade, and who died peacefully in September 2010.

After visiting Cuba we then return to Texas via Mexico, proudly declaring our travel to Cuba and our opposition to this immoral blockade.

We welcome participants from Britain and the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and have had partcipants on almost every caravan.

Caravan schedule

JULY 2-16 Caravan routes – educational events and aid collections in Canada and the US

JULY 17-19 Participant Orientation in Texas.

JULY 20-21 Border crossing into Mexico, travel to Tampico, load material aid onto ship

JULY 22-30 Fly to Havana – educational program in Cuba.

JULY 31 Return to Tampico – travel to Mexico/US border.

AUG 1 Reverse Challenge, cross back into Texas.

British participants can join a caravan route in any part of the US at any point up to the start of the participant orientation on July 17th – but we want to encourage your maximum possible involvement in the educational work in the US. We also recognise that some of you may prefer to fly back to Britain direct from Cuba.

The participant fee for British participants is $1200 – plus of course your transatlantic flights

If you have questions about the caravan, or if you would like to receive an application form or more information, you can contact


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