Join online discussion with family of Che

Contemporary vision of Che Guevara in his 80 birth anniversary

The "Che Guevara" Center of Studies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba call to the Forum Debate: "Contemporary vision of Che Guevara in his 80 birth anniversary".

The online discussion will take place on Thursday, June 5th, 2008 from 3pm-5pm (UK local time) with the participation of : Aleida Guevara March (Che's daughter), Camilo Guevara March (Che's son), María del Carmen Ariet and other scholars of Che's figure.

For two hours, they will exchange views with the web site's visitors who will have the opportunity to ask questions about this extraordinary man, his legacy for the worldwide youth and the entire humankind. You are invited to participate at:


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