Help needed for Medical Brigade leader speaking tour

Do you want to host a meeting with a leader of one of Cuba’s emergency medical brigades? Are you able to help promote the tour in your region?

CSC has just received confirmation that Dr Juan Carlos Dupuy Núñez, leader of the Cuban medical brigade which treated 1.7 million people after the Pakistan earthquake in 2005 will be in the UK from Wednesday 30 May – Tuesday 19 June 2007.

If you are involved in a group or organisation interested in hosting a meeting, and/or promoting events in your region, please contact us as soon as possible. We would like to give as many as possible the chance to hear from Dr Dupuy about the inspirational and unprecedented work of Cuba’s international brigades,

A short DVD film illustrating the work of Cuban doctors in Pakistan is available to be shown in conjunction with this visit.

Please contact us if you have existing events, or wish to arrange or help promote events in your region or nationally. We are particularly interested in reaching new audiences.

Please contact Rob Miller, CSC Director or Natasha Hickman CSC Communications Manager on 020 7263 6452, email if you can help.

Background information on Juan Carlos Dupuy Núñez

In 2005, Juan Carlos Dupuy was appointed head of Cuba’s Henry Reeves Brigade – the team of medical professionals ready to respond to international disasters and emergencies at a moments notice. Juan Carlos led the 2,400 strong Cuban team that treated more than 1.7 million Pakistanis following the 2005 Kashmir earth quake.

Previously, Juan Carlos spent served on an emergency brigade in Guatemala and three years working in Eritrea where he helped to establish a Medical Faculty and coordinated the country’s Integral Health Program.

When not working on overseas medical missions, Juan Carlos is a clinical laboratory specialist, and health professor, specialising in teaching doctors in blood donor recruitment. He recently organised the medical assistance for Havana province’s Yellow Fever/Dengue Mosquito eradication campaign.

Dr Dupuy was also a delegate for the Cuban Heath Workers Union(SNTS) at the 2006 Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC) union confederation Congress in 2006.

Full CV and biography available from the CSC office.


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