FBU motion in support of Cuba

Support for Cuba grows within frie brigades union

The Fire Brigades Union conference in Scarborough passed a motion on 14 May unanimously praising the achievements Cuba has made over the last 50 years. The motion proposed by the Dumfries and Galloway branch called for “the UK and devolved governments to make the necessary representations to the US Government, demanding they immediately end their illegal blockade of Cuba”.

An amendment was tabled to the motion by Devon & Somerset branch which congratulated “Cuba on the 50th anniversary of the Revolution” and paid tribute to “Cuba’s many achievements domestically and internationally”.

CSC held a successful fringe meeting with the Venezuela Information Centre at the conference. The meeting, which was chaired by FBU President Mick Shaw, heard from Justine McCarthy, CSC Executive. Justine told the delegates about the recent developments in the United States under Obama and also about her impressions after her recent visit to Cuba. The meeting also heard from Francisco Dominguez, speaking on behalf of VIC. After the speeches the floor was opened up to questions and various issues were raised including the Miami 5 and last years’ hurricanes.

CSC also ran a successful stall which saw several new members join the campaign and information about the campaign was widely distributed to the delegates.


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