Evo Morales highlights importance of Revolution

Bolivian President Evo Morales highlighted the importance of the Cuban Revolution and said that its triumph in 1959 allowed his country to begin a national literacy campaign in 2006.

Morales presided over a ceremony declaring the department of Cochabamba as a territory free from illiteracy. Thus, this region became the fourth of its type, along with Oruro, Santa Cruz and Pando, to get rid of the scourge of illiteracy thanks to the Cuban literacy method ‘Yo si puedo’

(Yes, I Can).

The Bolivian head of state thanked his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez and the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, for their

disinterested assistance that will allow his country to become the third Latin American nation free from illiteracy as of December 20, 2008.

Morales recalled that, as the culmination of all the process of changes that Bolivia is experiencing right now, the Bolivian people will go to the polls on January 25, 2009, to vote on a new Constitution that will re-found the nation.


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