Event: Latin America's Struggle: Opposing US Intervention, Neoliberalism & the Far-Right

Latin America’s Struggle: Opposing US Intervention, Neoliberalism & the Far-Right, with guests from across the region.

Wednesday, 18 August 2021, 6:30pm(UK Time)

An in depth look at the some of the most important struggles in the region, from Peru’s electoral victory to ending the blockage on Cuba PLUS MORE


  • Claudia Webbe MP
  • Guillaume Long, Former foreign minister, Ecuador, on the challenges facing the continent
  • Camila Escalante, Telesur & Kawsachun News, Bolivia, on the march of social progress under the Movement Towards Socialism
  • Francesca Emanuele, Peruvian journalist & activist, on the Left’s Presidential election victory
  • Natalia Urban, Brasilwire, on the growing resistance to Bolsonaro & the far-right
  • Gabriel Rodriguez, International Transport Workers’ Federation, Argentina, on alternatives & resistance to neo-liberalism
  • Dr. Francisco Dominguez, Latin American Studies, Middlesex University, on the effects of US sanctions on the region, including Venezuela & Nicaragua
  • Bernard Regan, Cuba Solidarity Campaign, on why we must stand against the criminal US blockade
  • Chair: Christine Blower, Labour Peer & Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America.

Register here

Hosted by Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America.

Supported by a range of solidarity organisations & progressive groups + publications including Brazil Solidarity Initiative, Friends of Bolivia, Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group, Friends of Ecuador, Venezuela Solidarity Campaign.

Kindly streamed by ‘Arise – A Festival of Labour’s Left Ideas.’


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