European Commissioner advocates normalising relations

The European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Assistance, Louis Michel, advocated on Monday the normalization of relations between the European Union and Cuba.

According to Granma news daily, Michel , who participated in a debate at the venue of the European Parliament in Brussels, insisted on the need to eliminate the sanctions imposed by Europe on Cuba in 2003 and which

are currently suspended.

The commissioner recalled that, “on principles”, he has always rejected

sanctions and he stressed that there are no examples showing positive results when measures of this kind have been implemented.

In June, the European Union will revise its position towards the Caribbean nation as it does periodically.

The Cuban ambassador in Brussels, Elio Rodriguez, said he hopes that on this occasion the member states of the European Union will permanently

eliminate these unacceptable sanctions.

In his opinion, the elimination of these sanctions would also eliminate

the main obstacle to bilateral relations while its persistence would

show the European Union’s lack of interest in dialogue.

Cuban News Agency


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