Early Day Motion 1171 climbs to 216

Ask your MP to sign EDM1171 UK Relations with Cuba today

As part of CSC's Wish you were here campaign, an Early Day Motion calling for a fresh approach in UK-Cuba relations and a ministerial visit to Cuba has now gained the support of 216 MPs in the Commons.

Part of the CSC 'Wish you were here' campaign, EDM 1171, tabled in April, has already secured cross-party support from 216 MPs, but help is needed to gain more names to ensure the government takes notice of the depth of support for normalising relations with Cuba within parliament.

Please ask your MP to support EDM 1171 today by emailing them via www.writetothem.com

'Wish you were here' campaign postcards directed to Foreign Secretary Davide Miliband, model letters and further information availalbe at the CSC office by calling 020 8800 0155 or emailing camapigns@cuba-soldiarity.org.uk


Taylor, Ian

That this House welcomes the fresh approach to international relations with Cuba including recent legislation in the US to lift family visiting restrictions on Cuban-Americans; notes the recent formal visits to Cuba by the Irish and Spanish Foreign Ministers and Presidents of Chile and Argentina; further notes the recent visit by the Shadow Foreign Secretary to Cuba; welcomes the fact that the UK enjoys excellent relations with Cuba in the fields of sport, biotechnology and the arts; and calls on the Government to send a high level Ministerial delegation to Cuba, led by the Foreign Secretary, to build on UK-Cuba relations and UK interests in the region.


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