Del Toro dedicates award to 'Che'

Puerto Rican actor Benicio del Toro, who won the Cannes award for Best Actor for his interpretation of “Che” Guevara in Steven Soderbergh's film with the same name, said the prize belonged to Ernesto Guevara.

"All the awards belong to Che? this is Che’s project and history,” said the actor at a press conference after receiving the award on Sunday at the 61st Cannes Film Festival.

Del Toro said the success of the film shows the progress of the Latin American film industry. This was also demonstrated by the presence of a

Mexican director in the jury of Cannes Festival, he added in reference to Alfonso Cuaron.

The life of Argentinean-born revolutionary Ernesto Guevara has inspired several filmmakers around the world. Among the latest films featuring

the figure of “Che,” are Motorcycle Diaries (2004) starring Mexican Gael

Garcia, and Che (2005) with Spanish Eduardo Noriega playing the main role.

Cuban News Agency


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