Cubans live longest in Latin America

UN report shows Cuba top of league in longevity

Havana, Apr 16 (Prensa Latina) Close to US level, 78 years, Cuba has the highest healthy life expectancy in Latin America while Africa registers the lowest figure worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) has highlighted in its world annual report.

The island natioin is followed by Chile and Costa Rica (77), Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela, (75), Mexico, (74) and Peru (71).

The WTO places all of the bottom 10 countries in Africa, in fact Zimbabwe, at 36 years, is the nation with the lowest life expectancy on the planet.

According to WTO experts, this dramatic situation is due to the AIDS pandemic and poverty, which contrasts with Japan, leading with 82 years.

Meanwhile, Botswana, Angola, Swaziland, Central African Republic, Lesotho, Malawi, Niger, Liberia and Somalia average under 44 years.{03469F0E-7922-4626-9A44-1A4116581A6D}&language=EN


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