Cuban workers' health and safety praised at international conference

ILO expert says Cuba is the exception in Latin America

Havana, 26 June – Cuba's implementation of a system of health and safety regulations at the workplace was praised during an international meeting of labour unions held in Havana.

Mexican Valentina Forastieri, a staff member of the International Labor Organization (ILO), said that Cuba is an exception in the Latin American area, where regulations for the protection of workers are almost non-existent.

The Mexican expert strongly criticized what she called 'the general lack of preventive healthcare services and legislation guaranteeing proper working conditions in Latin America.'

According to ILO statistics, some 30 million work-related accidents occur every year in Latin America – 39,000 of them fatal.

Experts with the Cuban Ministry of Labor and Social Security and members of the Cuban Confederation of Labor highlighted efforts carried out on the island to guarantee the health and security of workers.


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