Cuban media report on UK donations to the Haiti medical brigades

Following the Cuba Solidarity Campaign appeal for donations to the Cuban brigades working in Haiti, the Cuban News agency has reported the donation of £12,000 made so far. CSC expects this figure to rise in the coming weeks.

If you would like to make a donation to the Medical brigades in Haiti, please see the link to the bottom of the article. CSC would like to thank all friends, supporters, local groups and trade union friends and affiliates who have responded to this appeal so far.

HAVANA, Cuba, Feb 22 (acn) The Solidarity-with-Cuba Campaign group, from the United Kingdom has donated 12,000 pounds sterling to the island’s “Henry Reeve” International Medical Brigade to be used for buying medical supplies to help the Haitian people

Rob Millar, director of the English group made up by more than 7,000 people and 25

national trade unions, said the contribution is equivalent to some 19,000 US dollars and that it will be used to buy surgical materials and accessories needed in the devastated nation.

“The work of the Cuban specialists is an example to the world and we are proud of that, even though the media in my country conceals this truth from the public,” Millar stated at the Friendship Center, located in the Havana municipality of Vedado.

“We are fighting against that silence, hoping that truth will prevail,” he added.

Millar pointed out that the English organization led activities to support the island’s

struggle for the release of the five Cuban antiterrorists unfairly imprisoned in the United States since 1998 for trying to prevent terrorist acts aimed at overthrowing the Revolution.

The Campaign’s National Secretary, Bernard Reagan, said the mission led by Cuban doctors and those from another 24 nations making up the “Henry Reeve” brigade shows how one nation can help another in a difficult moment, instead of sending soldiers and weapons.

The Solidarity-with-Cuba Campaign group was created in 1994. It works together with Cuba in several social and cultural projects, including the restoration of the Miramar Theater and assistance in the development of artistic education.


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