Cuban Futures Roundtable discussion and CSC AGM

The first major UK meeting to look at the current situation in Cuba, following Obama’s visit in March and the 7th Cuban Communist Party Conference in April, takes place on Saturday 11 June.

Cuban Futures follows the CSC AGM at the NUT’s Hamilton House, and provides and opportunity to find out what’s really going on in Cuba and the latest on US-Cuba relations? Hear first hand from the Cuban ambassador and a panel of British Cuba-experts.

10.30am-1.30pm: CSC AGM

2.30-4.30pm: Cuban Futures Round table discussion

Venue: NUT, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD

Free entry: All are welcome to attend the AGM and the roundtable discussion

Guest speakers: Her Excellency Teresita Vicente, Cuban Ambassador to UK: Teresita is the current ambassador to Britain. Previously to this she was the Cuban ambassador in Canada and has work in the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Dr Steve Ludlam, University of Sheffield: Steve is Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Sheffield. He teaches contemporary Cuban and Latin American politics, visits Cuba regularly, and is a specialist in Cuban employment law. He is a member of the Cuba Research Forum, an editor of the International Journal of Cuban Studies, and an honorary member of the Faculty of Third Age Studies of the University of Havana and of the Cuban National Lawyers Union’s Labour Law section.

Dr Francisco Dominguez, University of Middlesex: Francisco is Senior Lecturer and Head of the Latin American Studies Research Group at Middlesex University. He came to Britain as a political refugee from the Pinochet dictatorship. He specialises on the contemporary political economy of Latin America about which he has published extensively. Since his arrival Dr Dominguez has been active on Latin American issues in the UK and in support of progressive developments in the region.

Lauren Collins, Nottingham University: Lauren has carried out in depth research on democracy and participation in Cuba as part of her post graduate research at Nottingham University.

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign Annual General Meeting 2016 takes place on Saturday 11 June, 10.30am – 4.30pm at the NUT headquarters, Mabledon Place, London.

This year’s AGM offers CSC members and affiliates the opportunity to reflect upon developments towards improved relations between the US and Cuba and the forthcoming Miami Five Freedom Tour. Together we will discuss the strategy for CSC to take the campaign against the blockade forward within this new environment. We know that there are many challenges ahead for the Cuban people and we need to continue to focus our campaigning work at this time.

The AGM is open to all, but only CSC members and affiliates are able to propose and vote on motions and elect the 34 members of the National Executive Committee.

This year we are delighted to announce that special guest speakers will include the Cuban Ambassador, HE Teresita Vicente, as well as guests from the labour and trade union movement.

You can just turn up on the day, or reserve your place in advance on 020 7490 5715 or email


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