Cuban Foreign Minister Urges EU to Develop Closer Ties

Prensa Latina

Havana, Nov 27 (Prensa Latina) Cuba Deputy Foreign Minister Eumelio Caballero reaffirmed his country's willingness to develop relations with the European Union under the principles of mutual respect and non interference in internal affairs.

"We are now witnessing the fact that a number of country members have started to be aware of the need to rectify the policy that the EU has been applying towards the Island," said Caballero at the opening of the 14th International Conference of the Havana-based Center for European Studies.

"However, unfortunately, the EU continues to show its vulnerability to US pressure and its incapacity to develop its own policy towards Cuba," he stressed.

He noted that no difference with the Island's political system must impede an EU-Cuba relation based in full respect to the parties' sovereignty.

"Cuba is proud of its truly participative democracy, of its record in the exercise of all human rights by all its citizens and of the humanistic work of the Revolution," the Cuban diplomat stressed.


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