Cuba speaks out against biased report in Geneva

US suffers humiliating defeat over its defence of Israel

Geneva, March 24: The US failed today to keep Cuba from rebutting a biased report at the UN Human Rights Commission (HRC) in Geneva.

The day began with the US suffering a defeat of its unconditional pro-Israeli policy in a vote condemning the assassination of Palestinian religious leader Ahmed Yassin.

The US then attempted to prevent Cuba from giving its opinion on a widely questioned report on human rights on the Island, issued in February by Christine Chanet, a French appointee of the High Commissioner.

Ivan Mora, the Cuban ambassador for Geneva based UN organizations, responded to the report?s accusations but was repeatedly interrupted by chair Mike Smith of Australia who did not like Mora mentioning that the US delegation in Geneva includes well-known terrorist Luis Zuniga Rey.

Australia was the only other country voting with the US in defense of Israel in the commission.

Cuba refutes Chanet?s report, calling it an instrument of the unrelenting US aggression against the Island, filled with misinformation and fabrications made up in the White House and Miami, where militant anti-Cuban groups operate with the blessing of the government.


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