Cuba Solidarity Campaign AGM and public meeting

Cuba Solidarity Campaign AGM and public meeting

The 2023 Cuba Solidarity Campaign Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 10 June from 10am–1pm, followed by celebration of Cuban education from 2-4pm.

Guest speakers include the Cuban Ambassador Her Excellency Bárbara Montalvo and Cuban education specialist and Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) member, Lissette Rubio Mederos.

As the US blockade enters its seventh decade, it is as catastrophic for the Cuban economy and people’s livelihoods as at any time in history. Biden has maintained all but a handful of Donald Trump’s 243 additional measures. International banking restrictions as a result of the US keeping Cuba on its ‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’ list make foreign trade and investment with the country almost impossible.

The AGM will provide updates on this, review CSC’s previous year’s work, and agree future campaigning plans.

The meeting is open to all, but only CSC members and affiliates are able to propose and vote on motions, and to elect the 34 members of the National Executive Committee.

Full details on how to attend, propose motions or nominate candidates for the new Executive Committee were sent to all members with their CubaSí magazine in April. If you are a member of CSC and have not received your AGM papers, or would like to join the Campaign and take part in the AGM, please contact the office on 020 7490 5715 or email You can join CSC online here.


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