Cuba resolute in solidarity with Arab nations

Foreign minister expresses support for Palestinian state, invites Arab League to Non-aligned summit in Havana

Havana, March 27 (ACN) Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque reaffirmed his country’s solidarity with the causes defended by Arab nations.

The Cuban Foreign Minister participated in the Ministerial Meeting of the 18th Session of the Arab League Summit, underway in Khartoum, Sudan, and which gathers representatives from the 22 nations that make up the regional organization.

Perez Roque reiterated Cuba’s support of the Palestinian people’s struggle for their inalienable rights to self-determination, to set up a sovereign and independent Palestinian state with eastern Jerusalem as its capital city, and their recovery all territories occupied by Israel since 1967.

In his address to the session held at Khartoum’s Friendship Palace, Perez Roque extended an invitation on behalf of the Cuban people to all members of the Arab League to participate at the 14th Non-Aligned Summit, scheduled to take place September 11-16 in Havana.

The senior Cuban government official stressed the need to strengthen the Non-Aligned Movement in today’s world, which is marked by unilateral supremacy in international relations, the Granma newspaper reported on Monday.

“It is a situation in which we have witnessed openly disrespectful and intolerant expressions against Islam and against Arab nations; Cuba strongly condemns such acts,” said Perez Roque, as he thanked the Arab countries for their solidarity in the struggle of the Cuban people against the more than 40-year US economic, financial and commercial blockade of the island.

The Cuban Foreign Minister also met with the president of the Republic of Sudan, Omar Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir, to whom he extended greetings from President Fidel Castro and an invitation to participate in the Havana Non-Aligned Summit.

The Sudanese president gave the Cuban delegation a detailed explanation of the government’s perspective on developments taking place in the southern part of his country, particularly in the Darfur region.

Felipe Perez Roque also met with several Arab foreign ministers attending the meeting, with whom he shared details related to preparations underway for the upcoming Non-Aligned Summit.


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