Cuba proves links US diplomats and terrorists

Cuba denounced on Monday the scandalous links between US diplomats based in Havana and terrorists resident in the

United States, by means of which Cuban counterrevolutionaries receive

financial and material support.

Over a dozen e-mails and a video recording were presented as proof by

the Director of the State Security Historic Investigations Department,

Manuel Hevia, in a news conference at the International Press Center (CPI) in Havana.

The evidence shows the brazen connections between Cuban-born terrorist Santiago Alvarez Fernandez Magriñat and Michael E. Parmly, head of the US Interests Section in Havana, in supplying sums of money to a female

counterrevolutionary in Cuba.

For this illegal operation they used an alleged foundation called Rescate Juridico, apparently a non-profit organization devoted to providing help, including food, clothes, and money.

Josefina Vidal, head of the North American branch of the Cuban Foreign

Ministry, said at the news conference that for several years Cuba has

repeatedly denounced the subversive actions organized, promoted and

sponsored by the US government and by enemy organization based in that


According to Vidal, a recent investigation by local authorities showed irrefutable evidence on a new qualitative fact, something she called “unusual and scandalous”: US diplomats with the Interests Section

have served as emissaries in the remittance of money from US based

terrorists to counter-revolutionaries in Cuba.

The Cuban diplomat stressed that for the first time her government has

evidence that US representatives have served as vulgar go-betweens at the service of a notorious terrorist, currently jailed in the United States on weapons charges, which he intended to use in violent actions against Cuba.

“We are talking of no other than notorious terrorist than Santiago

Alvarez Fernandez Magriñat, who manages to send money and material help from prison to mercenaries in Cuba, with the support of Michael E. Parmly,” said Vidal.

The Cuban government, she noted, has always condemned as illegal the use

of federal funds to promote counterrevolution within the country, and the direct role of the US diplomats in Havana in their distribution to

local mercenary groups.

The investigation, said Vidal, has proved that heads of counter revolutionary groups in Cuba influenced the reduction of the penalty on Santiago Alvarez by presenting him as a benefactor of mercenary groups in Cuba, which is in tune up with Washington’s policy, and not as the terrorist and benefactor of terrorists he truly is.

The Cuban diplomat raised the question of whether the Bush administration, which advertises the war against terrorism as the corner stone of their foreign policy, knows that their top diplomat in Havana is collaborating with a notorious terrorist.

Vidal also considered it worthy to wonder if this collaboration between

US government officials and terrorists is a new policy and a part of the infamous secret annex of the Bush Plan against Cuba.

By doing this, said Josefina Vidal, Washington is not only violating Cuban laws and sovereignty but also international conventions on diplomacy and the fight against terrorism.

For his part, Dr. Manuel Hevia explained about the investigation and

presented some evidence of the new US interference in Cuba’s internalaffairs. The research, he said, abides by national and international laws on the war against terrorism, and the evidence has been properly legalized by Cuban authorities.

The terrorist Santiago Alvarez, said Hevia, is well known for his

participation in mercenary attacks on Cuba in the 1960s and 1970s, and for his direct links to the assassination attempt on Cuban former President Fidel Castro in Panama on 2000.

Alvarez was also responsible for armed infiltrations into Cuban territory in 2001, said Hevia, who went on to mention phone conversations with fellow terrorist Yosvani Suris, where he instructed the latter to go inside the Tropicana Night Club in Havana to throw two cans of C-4 explosives.

According to the Cuban official, Alvarez also led the operation to smuggle terrorist Luis Posada Carriles into US territory.

The ongoing investigation process has gathered considerable evidence, and proved the ways and modus operandi used by Alvarez to introduce money into Cuba by means of emissaries who deliver it within the country to internal mercenaries, Hevia added.

Finally, Josefina Vidal reiterated the seriousness of the facts denounced by Cuba on Monday, which reveal that the US Interests Office promotes and meticulously monitors activities aimed at provoking and causing public disorder.

The Cuban government will continue investigating and denouncing these

deeds, for their illegal nature and because they pose a threat to internal peace and stability, concluded Vidal.

Cuban News Agency


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