Cuba helps 50,000 Bolivians to see

Operation Miracle spreads across continent

La Paz, Dec 20 (Prensa Latina) The number of people in Bolivia who have received free ophthalmology surgery this year through Cuban and Venezuelan cooperation in Operation Miracle has reached 50,300.

During the celebration of this achievement, Cuban Ambassador Rafael Dausa highlighted that this modest contribution to Bolivians health is a response to the process of change led by President Evo Morales since December 18, 2005, when he won the election.

He also stressed that Cuban solidarity is the fruit of the labor and thought of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who is presently recovering from intestinal surgery.

Dausa pointed out that Cuba does not weigh its collaboration in dollars, but in lives, in citizens who have recovered their sight and happiness.

The diplomat revealed that next year s Cuban medical mission s goal is to reach 100,000 people with such operations, and to provide four million Bolivians with primary health care.

Bolivian Assistant Health and Sports Minister Juan Alberto Nogales explained that Operation Miracle has also allowed Bolivian government to make a gesture of solidarity with other nations, since within the frontier limits dozens of Argentine, Peruvian and Brazilian people have had the operations.


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