Cuba expecting a resounding victory against the blockade at the UN

General Assembly to vote on 28 October

CUBAN foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque says that Cuba is hoping for a victory on October 28 when the UN General Assembly debates the US blockade of Cuba.

After participating in a digital photography presentation entitled “In spite of the blockade” and the Ministry’s first multimedia presentation "NO more blockade", the Cuban minister expressed his confidence that the UN General Assembly will once again voice its opposition to Washington’s hostile policy.

In regards to the vote on the resolution headed “The need to put an end to the U.S. economic, commercial, and financial blockade of Cuba,” Pérez Roque affirmed: “We expect a victory and resounding support from the international community.”

The Cuban Minister, described the NO more blockade CD-ROM, put together by the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs with support from Génesis Multimedia, a division of Prensa Latina, as “a modest contribution to the battle of our people to make known the truth about the blockade. “

He also stated that this anti-Cuban policy maintained and reinforced by successive U.S. governments is a crime of genocide, which causes great suffering to the Cuban people.

Later on, he indicated that the compact disc is about to be distributed within the UN as part of a campaign to familiarize its members with the consequences of these attempts to asphyxiate Cuba, as well as to provide testimonies of resistance.

This multimedia product was described as a historical record of the aggressive policies of the last 10 U.S. administrations toward the Caribbean nation, and its digital format includes documents which cover the origins of Washington’s anti-Cuban activities as well as the most recent array of measures passed this past May by the current occupier of the White House, President George W. Bush.

Organized in 10 segments, the multimedia presentation contains speeches that have been made before the UN regarding the resolutions on the blockade, reports from the UN Secretary general on this issue, videos and photos, and the main anti-Cuban activities perpetrated by each of the U.S. administrations.

Likewise, with the objective of presenting more arguments on the universal condemnation of this irrational, genocidal and moreover obsolete policy, MINREX has presented a digital photographic exhibition entitled “In spite of the blockade,” accessible on the webpage, which includes 100 images by 41 photographers from Cuba, the United States, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Canada, Chile, and Mexico.

The launch of this exhibition, convened by MINREX, the Writers and Artists Union of Cuba, the Cuba Photographic Library and the Pablo de la Torriente Brau Cultural Center, was attended by photographers and Cuban and foreign graphic artists. The images reveal the economic and commercial effects of “the war” on the Cuban people.


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